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You are currently browsing the archives for the day Sunday, August 12th, 2012.

Beary Berrilicious Sundae

I am back….

I haven’t blogged in over a year, but have literally thought about it every day. When I found out Heathy from was doing another contest, I thought I should break the ice and begin blogging again and enter the Vegan Ice Cream Sundae Challenge.


Since I haven’t blogged in so long, I wanted to make it a special one and in honor of my mother, I did the ice cream sundae theme about bears because she loves Teddy Bears. My mother has been very ill for the last year. She has been in and out of the hospital with atrial fibrillation, blocked kidney, and neck surgery. I will not draw out the details, but I want my mother to know that she is deeply loved “Beary” much by me and so many others.

To make the “Beary” Berrilicious Sundae there are several steps to take. I started with the Graham Cracker Bears. They remind me of Teddy Grahams but so much healthier and pure.

Graham Cracker Bears

1 cup cashew flour (about 1/2 heaping cup whole cashews)
1/2 cup coconut flour
1/3 cup maple flavor agave
1 t vanilla
1 t cinnamon
pinch of sea salt

Kitchen tools you will need
Food Processor
1 small bear cookie cutter
Rolling pin
Teflex Sheets or Parchment Paper
Dehydrator or Freezer


Place cashews into food processor, and make into flour by pulsing.

Pour into a bowl, and add coconut flour, salt and cinnamon, then mix until blended.

Stir in the agave and vanilla. Blend all ingredients into ball. If the ball is too wet to pick up with your hands add some coconut flour until it becomes a pie/pizza crust consistency.

Place on either a Teflex Sheet or Parchment Paper, and use another sheet or paper to cover the dough ball. Flatten the dough ball and roll out to about a 1/4 inch thickness.

After pulling top sheet off you can then use the small bear cookie cutter to make the Graham Cracker Bears. When the bears are formed you can place them on a Teflex sheet for the dehydrator or a cookie sheet pan with Parchment Paper for the freezer.

Dehydrate the bears on 115 degrees for 6-8 hours or freeze the bears. I dehydrated the bears and they were crispy after 6 hours, but once they sat out for a short time they softened. I placed them in the freezer in order to keep them crispy.

After making the bears I started on ice cream base. I used a Vanilla Ice Cream Base for the flavors for the “Beary” Berrilicious Sundae.

Vanilla Ice Cream Base

1 1/2 cup cashews
1/4 cup agave nectar
1 cup almond milk (1/4 cup soaked almonds with one cup water)
1/3 cup softened coconut oil
1 t vanilla
pinch of sea salt

Place all ingredients in high powered blender then pour mixture into ice cream maker. Make according to directions. When the ice cream is finished, divide the mixture into 3 bowls. This base is used for the Straw”Beary” Ice Cream and the Mixed “Beary” Ice Cream.

Straw”Beary” Ice Cream

Vanilla Ice Cream Base
3 T thawed strawberries from frozen organic strawberries
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Mix strawberries and ice cream base together until the ice cream is pink and still has chunks of strawberries.
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Mixed “Beary” Ice Cream

Vanilla Ice Cream Base
2 T thawed mixed berries from frozen organic blackberries, blueberries and strawberries
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Mix until the color of the ice cream turns bluish purple and berry chunks remain.
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The third bowl will remain the plain Vanilla Ice Cream.

Now, introducing the “Beary” Berrilicious Sundae….

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There was enough ice cream to make 2 sundaes. The sundaes are enough for 2-3 people per sundae. Cashew Vegan Ice Cream is always very filling to me because of the dense nutrient filled ingredients.
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So when you eat your “Beary” Berrilicious Sundae share it with someone you love and tell them how “BEARY” special they are to you. I LOVE YOU MAMA!!

~~I wanted to give a special thank you to Heathy for inspiring me to blog again and inspiring me to place my energy into making yummies in my kitchen again. I missed it!~~

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago at 8:23 pm.

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