Day #5 The Raw Food Muscle Fitness Challenge
September 5, 2010
Well, I overate today and ate stuff I should not have. I ate Rudy’s wraps and Smucker’s Peanut Butter:(. And I had Amy’s Refried Beans on my raw empanadas. Well, I don’t know why I put cooked beans on the raw wraps, but they were good.
No exercise today. I took a short bike trip with Sebastian, but I wouldn’t consider that exercise.
My eating went out the window today, but I will not binge and eat like crazy cuz I had a few slip ups.
Day #5 Food Choices:
Buckwheat cereal, apple, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds
Buckwheat wrap with AB
Cabbage and 4 slices of Rayo Del Sol Bread with 1 T AB and 1/2 banana
Rudy’s wraps with PB and 1/2 banana
Empanadas with Refried beans
And I ask myself…WHERE ARE THE GREENS???????
Better luck tomorrow.
Good night!
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
In a believer’s ear;
It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,
And drives away his fear.
~John Newton