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Days #14 and 15 The Raw Food Muscle Challenge

September 15, 2010

I didn’t post yesterday, I meant to last night, but our rabbit was sick and we had to go to the emergency animal clinic last night at 11:00 pm.  The bunny seems to be doing better, but we will see.  He has head tilt, which is quite common, I guess. So he is on antibiotics and we are hand feeding him. He is drinking and eating quite well, so hopefully God will allow us a few more years with him.

Day #14 Food Choices:
Cantaloupe and Cucumber Smoothie
Before Gym: Buckwheat cereal with sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds and raw protein milk
After gym: apple and banana celery and AB
Ezekial Bread (I didn’t have any raw bread made) with banana and AB
cacao beans, honey, and almonds
Cauliflower rice with a bit of sesame oil and braggs
Zucchini Spaghetti with Marinara

Day #14 Workout:
45 minute bike ride
Chest and Shoulders
All exercises were 3 sets of 20 reps superset of following
Incline Chest (15 lbs) and Dumbbell pullovers (15 lbs)
Peck Deck 40 lbs. and pushups (Pushups were hard to do all regular, so I had to do knee pushups for the last 5)
Bench Press (just bar) and Incline Flies (15 lbs)
DB Shoulder Press (20 lb ez curl bar) and High Pulls same bar
Shoulder raises front and side with 5 lbs
Rear Laterals (5 lbs) and Shrugs (35 lbs)

Elliptical for 15 minutes HIIT training

Day #15 Food Choices:
Cantaloupe and Cucumber Smoothie
Buckwheat cereal with sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds and raw protein milk
Ezekial Bread with AB (still need to make bread)
Almonds, cacao beans, honey
Sprouted Lentil Salad and zuke spaghetti with marinara and nutritional yeast
Fudge and small slice of Walnut cake
*Definitely not enough greens, too many sweets!

Day #15 Workout
Raquetball and Stadium stairs
*I took it easy today. It was beautiful outside so Jason and I played rball. It wasn’t much of a workout, but the stairs really kicked my booty:).

I continue to make many sweet choices over what I should be eating, like salads or smoothies. I missed my green smoothie today and yesterday. Sometimes I just don’t want one. I have been craving juice lately, but I did spend some time in the kitchen today. I made several things to help me not eat things I shouldn’t, ie. bread. Bread is my weakness. I do feel like my head is cloudy since I ate the flour stuff this weekend. I should’ve used better judgement, even though there were wild edibles in the treats I ate, there were too many bad ingredients to make the recipe worth while. Oh well, I will know for next time.

Off to sleep now. I am really tired, I was up too late to wake up as early as I did this morning. Tomorrow I will bike if the weather is good.

“A house is not a home without a pet.” ~ Anonymous

Posted in Why Raw? 14 years, 4 months ago at 9:39 pm.

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