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End of The Raw Muscle Fitness Challenge

September 30, 2010

I haven’t written in a week, but I still have been truckin’ along with my raw food life! I am sitting here right now eating a collard wrap with fermented Chipotle Almond Cheese and loving every bite. I have continued to eat mostly raw, there are some things that I ate that weren’t, such as, Ezekial Bread, Millet bread, hummus, and peanut butter. I have to be honest here, at first I thought I could do it with just all raw, but bread calls me, even though I know it makes me feel icky if I have too much. I wish I could find a raw version of bread that doesn’t taste like it’s turning to mold. It’s not even the taste I like, it’s more the “comfort” of it all. But collards are my new burrito shells. I have been experimenting in my kitchen so much lately. I am not into making too many desserts these days. I would rather get low glycemic ingredients. They just make me feel better.
I haven’t posted this last week because it was my birthday, potluck and Jason’s birthday. I stayed on the raw path, but I ate such a variety of food that I was honestly lazy and didn’t write everything down.

I have learned so much on this trip that I want to continue with as much raw as possible. I have been sticking to my workouts. I haven’t been doing as much exercise with weights this last week. I have been biking, walking and yoga. I went to my first yoga class of this year, last Friday. It gave me a jump start with my yoga practice again. I have been waking up in the morning to do the 5 Tibetan Rites. I received this video link through an email from the Raw Reform. I of course watched it and thought it would be good to start my day, and I did it once and now I am hooked. It makes me sweat in less than 5 minutes. It’s interesting that such low impact movement can do that, when I can spend 15 minutes on the elliptical at a fast pace and I still don’t start sweating. Yoga is amazing, and makes my spirit and body submerge as ONE! I love it for the grounding energy I feel. I appreciate my body more and really pay attention to it. I am looking forward to going tomorrow to the class again.

I weighed myself today and honestly don’t feel like sharing the weight just yet, but I did lose 4 pounds. Jason measured me and my measurement did come down some. I would’ve liked to see more change, but hey, I know I have gained so much from this. I want to continue it forever!
My Measurements:
8/29/10 Left Leg: 26 inches, Hips 40 inches, Waist 36 inches, Chest 41 1/2 inches, Left Arm 14 inches.
9/30/10 Left Leg: 25 1/2 inches, Hips 38 1/2 inches, Waist 36 inches, Chest 40 inches, Left Arm 13 1/2 inches.
I don’t know how my waist didn’t come down some, ironic that, that is the measurement I was most worried about, because of Dr. Oz’s comment on his show about how the woman’s waist size should be less than 35 inches.

After this month challenge I know I will continue to be fit and eat right.
Another thing I learned is that I DON’T LIKE GOING TO THE GYM WITHOUT JASON! He took a few days off and I didn’t want to go without him. I need to get over that, but I am going gentle on myself and I am active almost everyday. One thing that I forgot when I learned about “RAW” is that exercise is as just as important as eating right. It took me a while to realize it again, but now that I am back getting “FIT”, I want to continue to exercise, eat right, spend time with God, and keep exploring my inner beauty.
**I will post pics tomorrow.

Thank you Santiago at The Raw Food Muscle for this wonderful challenge. I will continue to be inspired by you and your beautiful wife!

The greatest oak was once a little nut who held its ground. ~Author Unknown

Posted in Why Raw? 14 years, 4 months ago at 8:50 pm.

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