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Mini Tropical Tacos w/Mango Kiwi Salsa

Posted 15 years, 6 months ago at 10:38 pm. Add a comment

“Taco” Shell Ingredients:
1 banana
1 C butternut squash, cubed
1/2 C fresh Thai coconut
1/2 C dried coconut shreds
2 green onions, white and greens separated
1/2 C almond pulp/meal
1/3 C coconut water/milk
3 T. flax seed, ground fine
1/2 tsp. sea salt

Mango Kiwi Salsa Ingredients:
2 mangoes, peeled and cubed
2 kiwi, peeled and cubed
2 tomatoes, seeds and juice removed
1/2 red or orange bell pepper
1/2 C cilantro
juice of 2 limes
1 tsp. celery seeds

To make taco shells, place all of the ingredients, except the onion greens in a VitaMix or high-powered blender and process until smooth and fluid (you will need to use a temper or spoon to push the ingredients down into the blades periodically. Add the greens and blend for about 8-10 seconds more. Scoop out in 2 T. spoonfuls onto Teflex sheets and spread with back of spoon or knife until they are about 1/4″ thick. I shape mine into rough ovals. They will curl up a bit naturally as they dry. Dehydrated at 115 degrees for 4 hours, flip onto mesh dehydrator screen, and continue drying for an additional 12 hours. Store in a zip lock or air-tight container.

To make the salsa, place all ingredients in a food processor and pulse chop until everything is chopped fine and well combined.
Recipe from The Raw Table

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