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Day #289 Oyster Mushroom Seviche and Bitter Orange-Lime Sauce pg. 194 entertaining in the raw

May 8, 2010

We went shopping today. Sebastian really likes mango, banana, coconut, apple, and orange smoothies, so we bought the ingredients to make them. He specifically went into Skoors because he knows how I shop, I usually start talking and forget everything I am getting (unless I have a list). Glad he picked all the stuff out because he got to have his drink and it helped me decide which recipe I would make for today. I decided that I would make this recipe since we had all the ingredients for it. I had to buy mushrooms, tomatoes and onions. This recipe looked so fresh and inviting, I decided to pull out my Martini glasses and get to work!

I was unfamiliar about seviche, so of course I had to look it up. I am learning about many different recipes on my journey through these books. I am not only building confidence in my kitchen, but I am learning other ingredients and recipes that are popular in other parts of the world. When I look into these recipes, I always find something more than what I was looking for.

Seviche is a Latin American dish that is usually raw or cooked fish/shellfish in an acidic component such as orange or lime juice. Usually it has chilies, chopped tomatoes and herbs, and served as an appetizer. In entertaining in the raw, MK explains that the oyster mushrooms are the substitution for fish/shellfish. He does mention that he uses oyster mushrooms instead of shiitake because shiitake can have a musty flavor. I know exactly what he is talking about, oyster mushrooms take in the taste of the marinade, similar to how tofu works.
Matthew Kenney Project May 2010 014

Seviche Ingredients
red onion
plum tomatoes, peeled seeded and diced
habanero chile
orange juice
lime juice
oyster mushrooms
oranges, limes and cilantro for garnish

In a bowl, I mixed the onions, tomatoes, habanero, orange juice, lime juice, and salt, then added the mushrooms. I placed it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Then mixed it to make sure the ingredients stayed together, and carefully stirred in the diced avocado then put the seviche in the martini glasses. I added lime wedges and cilantro on top.

I think the beauty of this dish is perfect for Spring Time. It’s is light and refreshing. I think it would taste great with mint sprinkled over it. I guess I am in the mood for mint today:)

If you like onions and mushrooms, try this. You won’t be disappointed! I will make this again tomorrow to enjoy for Mother’s Day!

“I was always an early riser. Happy the man who is! Every morning day comes to him with a virgin’s love, full of bloom and freshness. The youth of nature is contagious, like the gladness of a happy child.”~Unknown

Posted in Matthew Kenney Project 14 years ago at 11:35 pm.

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