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Carob Pie with Goji Coconut Almond Crust

Posted 15 years, 1 month ago at 3:04 pm. Add a comment

December 28, 2009

Angela's Raw Food Creations 004
There are unlimited amount of pies that I have made but this pie filling is by far my ultimate favorite. I love the sweetness of bananas and carob together. Carob is naturally sweet, therefore when I make this pie at home I prefer to use the sweetness of bananas, and carob with a kiss of sweetness with my all time favorite STEVIA.

Many raw food friends prefer the taste of carob over the cacao powder. I personally do love carob, but who really can resist chocolate! I know of two people, little Emma, and my friend Susan. Susan absolutely refuses to eat it, she says it tastes like an ash tray. Cacao has never reminded me of an ash tray, but I respect her opinion. Carob is great, but I have never been able to find it raw. So I used toasted carob in this, but I did put one tablespoon of cacao powder, just to have that cacao love:).

Carob is low in calories, can improve indigestion, does not have cholesterol, it is an antioxidant, and many people that are caffeine intolerant usually use carob for that chocolate flavor without theobromine or caffeine.

This pie is has a limited amount of nuts like many of the desserts. Using coconut or flax makes it less fattening compared to all the nuts that are usually used in many desserts. The goji berries in the crust also pack more antioxidants and quality protein into this amazing treat.

Goji Coconut Almond Crust Ingredients
1/2 cup shredded coconut, unsweetened (you can make your own in the dehydrator then shred in food processor)
1/2 cup almonds, soaked and dehydrated
1/2 cup goji berries, soaked for 15-60 minutes

Carob Pie Filling Ingredients
1 cup cashews, soaked for 1 hour
3 bananas
1/4-1/2 cup water (can use agave instead for added sweetness)
3 T carob powder
1 T cacao powder
a dash of liquid stevia

Pie Crust Instructions: Place coconut, soaked gojis, and almonds into the food processor. Pulse until it is combined and red. Place in a plastic lined pie plate, you can dehydrate this crust for 24-48 hours or freeze it then add pie filling.
Angela's Raw Food Creations 002Angela's Raw Food Creations 001
Pie Filling Instructions: After soaking and straining and rinsing off cashews, add them to Vita-mix or Blend-Tec, then add remaining ingredients and blend. Pour into crust.
Angela's Raw Food Creations 003

Nutritional Info for 6 servings:
Fat- 18g
Daily Percentages included over 10% of minerals. All information obtained from Sparkrecipes.
Vitamin B-6-25%, Vitamin C-11%, Vitamin E-13%, Copper-44%, Iron-15%, Magnesium-31%, Phosphorus-21%, Riboflavin-12%, Zinc-13%

“Carob works on the principle that, when mixed with the right combination of fats and sugar, it can duplicate chocolate in color and texture. Of course, the same can be said of dirt.” Sandra Boynton
Love this quote, it makes me wonder if she prefers carob or chocolate.

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