Gingerbread and Christmas Cookies
Posted 15 years, 1 month ago at 3:09 pm. Add a comment
December 21, 2009
Sebastian and I both made the graham crackers from Matthew Kenney’s book entertaining in the raw. I made beet juice and parsley juice to color the marshmallow creme. So I had pinkish red, green and white. I decided I would use chocolate too.
These Christmas trees were the first that I cut out. I was afraid to cut them, I didn’t know how they would turn out. Even after 3 days in the dehydrator they were still moist but dry enough to pick them up. I really wanted to do all gingerbread men, but my old cookie cutters were rusty:( I wasn’t going to do gingerbread men but I was sad because that is what I really wanted to do. So Jason ran out to the store before work this morning and tried to find the gingerbread men cookie cutters. He couldn’t find any, can you believe it?? So he called my Mom and she of course had one, so my Dad came over and brought the gingerbread man cookie cutter! Mom is the BOMB.. She has everything that I ever need:) They are both my heros and I am deeply grateful for them! Thanks MOM and DAD!
Here is the picture of my green smoothie that I drank instead of eating cookies next to the lovely Lavender plant that I won. I felt so much better this year making the cookies because I didn’t desire to eat them because of this delicious green smoothie. Coconut water, spinach and spearmint, with a dash of Stevia.
Sabby has been ill still. He helped me a little on the cookies and he did such an awesome job!
Here he is decorating with a plastic bag filled with green icing. We used plastic bags for piping bags.
This is my gingerbread man, I love how he has one small eye and one big. He is different but he is still smiling.
My gingerbread girl
Sabby’s gingerbread man. This one is the most adorable. He really took his time on it:)
These were so much fun to make and I felt so much better this year making them than I have in past years. I would love to make more of them again!
Gingerbread Men Cookie Recipe
5 cups cashew flour
2 1/2 cups oat flour
3/4 cup water
1 3/4 cup maple syrup
2 T vanilla extract
1 T sea salt
2 T cinnamon
Mix ingredients in a medium-size bowl by hand. Spread flat to 1/8 inch thick on dehydrator screens. This will make 3 or 4 trays. Dehydrate for 24 hours then cut into shapes with cookie cutters. Then decorate with cashew icing and chocolate icing.
To color the icing I placed a beet slice into the Vita-mix with about 1/8 cup of water. I blended it and only used liquid. You can use the juicer to do this but I like to save clean up for other things. I made the parsley juice the same way. I would say to use spinach if you have it. Spinach has a more mild flavor.
The best thing to do would be to use the juicer, but anyone who knows me,KNOWS I DON’T LIKE TO WASH DISHES! I do it, but if I can avoid washing a dish I will.
I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. ~Charles Dickens