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Raw Gathering 7-30-09

Posted 15 years ago at 10:56 am. Add a comment

The July Potluck went as planned! We had conversation, great food (as always:), and 2 demonstrations. Theresa brought a video by Victoria Boutenko. The video was very informative about the Boutenko’s Raw Transformation Testimony and Green Smoothies. As of July 1 Theresa went 100% raw. She is such an inspiration to me. She does a quart and a half of green smoothies a day. She inspired some of us to take a challenge and do them for 30 days. Sarah, D’Adjoa, and I are challenging ourselves to do it everyday. I know Teresa is interested too. These gatherings are so important to success in this lifestyle, for me. It is fun to catch up and see what everyone has done this last month. The Gainesville Potluck Group came. Gayle, Marsha, Theresa, and Joanne. Gayle may not be coming to our potlucks regularly anymore:( she may be moving to Tampa. I hope she stays connected. She has a Ayurvedic Doctor and I would love to hear all of her stories and successes having an Ayurvedic Doctor. Marsha is always on top of new information. The Boutenko’s are coming out with 2 new books. Green Smoothie Revolution: The Radical Leap Toward Natural Health (Paperback) and Raw Family Signature Dishes: A Step-by-Step Guide to Essential Live-Food Recipes (Paperback). I have read all of the Boutenko’s books. I admire Victoria, she is a researcher by nature. When she comes across a problem she finds the answer, because she knows there is an underlying reason for the problem. As in the case with her son’s Diabetes Type 1. Raw Family: A True Story of Awakening (Paperback) explains the whole story. It is so inspiring. I would encourage everyone to read it. Joanne looked beautiful as always. She is staying strong and winning against cancer:) I pray for you, Joanne, as I do everyone else.
We had two new people come this time. Sarah and Ruth. It was great to see them. The were our very first students to come to our Raw Food Class, when we did it out of our home. It was great to see they are still interested in healthy living. They brought delicious Strawberry Shortcake and Broccoli and Cranberry Salad. I do not have the recipe:( Hopefully in the near future they will send it to me. Everyone loved the shortcake. Even the kids:)
After the movie we did the demonstration of D’Adjoa’s Ginger Brew.
Everyone loved it. I felt like it was New Year’s Eve and I was drinking champagne. The kick that the ginger gives, feels like carbonation. This is a fantastic drink.
I demonstrated Matthew Kenney’s Raspberry Vanilla-Almond Granola.
Marsha was concerned about taking the almonds skins off because of a poison. They were soaked but the always pops the skins off as my friend, Joan does. I have never read anything about taking the skins off. She did some research and Brigitte Mars says there are tannins. Marsha is still going to “pop” her skins off. I also did some research and wrote several people on Facebook. Including Raw Chefs and Raw Educators (Raw Radiance, Jenna Norwood, and Elaina Love). They all said it is not necessary. I am still waiting for a response from Paul Nison. I love the taste of skinless almonds, but my time is always limited. I usually just keep the skins on after soaking. There are few recipes I remove the skins for.
The night was filled with love and inspiration.
I have to say my favorite dish in presentation was Teresa’s Blueberry and Fig Salad. It truly looked like something out of a magazine or book. My photography doesn’t do it justice.
All of the meals were delicious. Of course, I went for the desserts:)
Thanks everyone for coming. I love you ALL:)
Another website to look up HealthRanger and NaturalNews

Gayle's Apple Pie

Gayle's Apple Pie

Theresa's Famous Flax Crackers and Macaroons

Theresa's Famous Flax Crackers and Macaroons

Theresa's Marinara Sauce for the Cheeze Sticks

Theresa's Marinara Sauce for the Cheeze Sticks

Veggie Girl's Waldorf Salad

Veggie Girl's Waldorf Salad

Sarah's Rawcotta Cheeze Stuffed Zucchini

Sarah's Rawcotta Cheeze Stuffed Zucchini

All available recipes are on the Raw Gathering 7-30-09 pages.

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