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Day #350 Green Tomato-“Ricotta” Tart with Basil “Ice Cream” pg. 50 entertaining in the raw

July 9, 2010

I finished this unique meal today. I was lucky to find the green tomatoes while I was shopping at Skoors today. I don’t often eat tomatoes that are not ripe so eating them in this recipe was interesting. I don’t know how these are digesting in my body, but they were not too bad. I think this meal is one of the most interesting recipes that I have made on this project. Like I said before, I have never thought about mixing basil with ice cream and then the thought of tomatoes on a sweet pie, is definitely not something I would make on a regular day, I much prefer chocolate! Anyhow, it was worth making just to try it. It reminds me of my experience with Harry Potter Jelly Bellies when I tried them so long ago. It was a journey that I probably will never embark on again, but glad I did it for the experience. This recipe is exotic but I have to give this combination a 6 out of 10. But the experience is definitely a 10!

I made the pie crust and filling today along with the Confit. Confit is pronounced Confee and is usually immersed in a substance for preservation and can be kept in storage for a long time. This confit was only made today and dehydrated for 1 hour. The texture of the tomatoes was a bit rubbery and chewier than a ripe tomato. I can’t compare it to any other confit because I have never had it.

I am learning so many things on this project. It has opened up my eyes to different cuisine and allowed me to explore foods that I never would have in my home unless I had to do it. I am still having so much fun, it is hard to believe that it is almost over. Many people have asked me what I will do next, I have decided, but I am waiting to announce because I am not sure how to do it yet. I will figure it out, then I will let you know.
I will still be spending time in the kitchen enjoying and creating recipes. They will be simple, natural and healthy, and most of All Fun!

Now onto the recipes…
Matthew Kenney Project July 2010 008

Tart Crust Ingredients
nut flour
maple syrup
coconut oil
date paste

“Ricotta” Ingredients
coconut meat
lemon juice
coconut oil, melted
vanilla extract
sea salt
vanilla bean, scraped

Confit Ingredients
unripe green tomatoes, seeded and diced
raw agave

I made the crust by mixing all ingredients together by hand. I made small tarts, it makes 4. I lined the tart pans with plastic and pressed dough into the tart. I placed it in the freezer for 30 minutes then added the Ricotta.
The Ricotta was made in the Vita-mix to have a smooth consistency. I filled the crust and chilled it while the tomatoes were dehydrating for 1 hour.  The confit went on top of the tart.
The ice cream was made the other day, so I just had to scoop it out next to this beautiful tomato tart.

I hope Jason likes it. My kids won’t try the entire recipe, they were troopers and tried the ice cream. They said, “It would be better if there was no basil in it.” Kids are funny, I told them, “Basil is  the flavor of the ice cream, I had to put it in there.”

They did love the chocolate walnut tarts, and I am happy they are trying it. This project has impacted my entire family. It really is hard to believe that a year is almost over. I love that my family supports me in ALL I do. With that alone I am blessed!

“More gold has been mined from the thoughts of men than has been taken from the earth.” ~Napoleon Hill

Posted in Matthew Kenney Project 13 years, 10 months ago at 7:09 pm.

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