Living Rawesome

Welcome to my blog about my LOVE for God's Raw Living food. Please join me on my journey towards health and wellness. I truly believe that pure natural raw living food is the doorway to a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Views 3448289

You are currently browsing the archives for August, 2009.

Day #37 Arugula Gnocchi pg. 152 entertaining in the raw

I just got back from Anatomy class. It was not very good for the first half of it. I thought my assignment was due on Wednesday and everyone else turned it in before class tonight. I couldn’t believe it. I was so stressed out trying to finish the lab assignment and trying to take notes for the class at the same time. After lecture was over some students told him they didn’t do it because he said it was due on Wednesday. I was relieved. I will finish it tomorrow. I am really behind because I went away for the weekend. It was worth it though. I will remember my weekend and probably won’t remember the struggling I did tonight in class. I tend to remember all the exciting things in my life and not the challenging times of school. At least not the details of the hard times. I will always remember this trip to Raw Spirit though.
I decided to make the gnocchi tonight. Jason really loves gnocchi. When we first started dating and the first couple of years of our marriage, he would eat gnocchi once a week at least. A whole box of it. Now he doesn’t buy it. I figured I would make my wonderful hubby happy. It has a red pepper sauce, that goes with it. I have to dehydrate the pepper for 12 hours so I did that tonight. This recipe will be perfect with candle light and romantic Italian music;)
I feel like I need to have a romantic dinner with him. I was gone for 2 days but yet I missed him so much. I am hoping tomorrow we can eat together while the kids are at school. If not, we can all have a family dinner.
Gnocchi ingredients
jicama, cashews, sea salt, nutritional yeast, lemon juice, cashew flour, arugula

I chopped jicama before putting it into the food processor. I blended it until it had the consistency of rice. The directions say to strain it. I didn’t because it looked dry enough. I guess it was a mistake, I should’ve tried it even though I thought it looked dry enough. The other ingredients were thrown into the blender with the jicama and blended until it was pasty. It blended very well, probably too well. The gnocchi came out very wet. I had to add 4 times the amount of cashew flour in order to just form the gnocchi onto the parchment paper. By the directions I am assuming they are too wet, because it states that I am supposed to “roll” the gnocchi on the tray to get the appearance of gnocchi. If I were to put the gnocchi on the sheet without my parchment paper, I would have a mess. I scooped the gnocchi out with a baby spoon that my children used while they were really small. It brought back so many memories of them being so little. They are growing so quickly. Christian will be a teenager this year. Pardon the mom moment.
They do resemble gnocchi and they taste incredible. I am sure they will taste 10 times better tomorrow, enjoying them with my favorite man.

Posted 14 years, 8 months ago at 11:28 pm.

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Day # 35 and Day #36 The Classic pg. 28 and Mango Raspberry Smoothies pg. 30 everyday raw

I am back from my little vacation to my Paradise. Raw Spirit Festival in Maryland. What a fantastic time. Very Enlightening for me. I stayed true to my project, I did two recipes. Jason bought me a personal blender or else I wouldn’t have been able to do it. I brought almonds, and my nut milk bag. I bought strawberries, bananas, raspberries, and mangoes from a grocery store called Giant. On Friday, I put a reminder in my phone to soak the nuts before going to sleep, so I could make almond milk the next day. I have been using my phone for the alarms and reminders for the many things I do each day. I have so much going on these days, school, homework, assignments due, recipes, work, the kids meetings and school projects. It is a handy tool to have around. On Saturday morning, I took out the blender and made almond milk. I only made 1 cup, which uses 1/4 cup almonds. The blender worked! I never trust any blenders but the Vita-mix or Blend-tec. But this little blender worked like a charm for my vacation. I am pleased. After I made the milk I threw in srawberries and bananas into the blender and made a beautiful smoothie for Destiny, D’Adjoa, and I to share. Nothing like a raw smoothie before going to a festival filled with raw people, food and seminars. Smoothies are the best to share with loved ones. I wanted it to be sweeter but they thought it was perfect. I drank some of it then I figured I should add in some Spirulina and Macro Greens. Oh boy that was not such a good idea, the Spirulina stuck to the sides of the blender, I spent 10 minutes cleaning it out. It took me longer to clean out the blender than it took for the nut milk and smoothie to be made. I learned my lesson, do not put 3 T of greens and spirulina into the blender with very little smoothie.
I do love smoothies:)

Day #36
I saved the almond milk from day #35 for the Mango and Raspberry smoothie. I stored it in a coconut oil container that I brought. The refrigerator was too cold and the almond milk froze. I couldn’t get it out and we were leaving to Raw Spirit soon. I expected to make a quick smoothie and then go. But God had other plans. I didn’t shower yet so what I did was took the container into the bathroom shower and took a long hot shower. When I was done the almond milk was melted enough off of the sides for me to be able to take it out in chunks. The blender couldn’t handle the ice milk. It took me probably about 15 minutes to get the almond milk and fruit to blend. I put all of it in at once, then ended up taking it out and only doing a little at a time. It was like chunky sorbet. After poking and prodding the smoothie, it finally started flowing. It was funny but I started to lose my cool at about the 11th minute. It worked though. We all tried it then we added Spirulina and Macro Greens. It was delicious. I brought the Vanilla-Almond Granola and we put that on top of the smoothie. It was the best breakfast I’ve had in a long time. I usually have a green smoothie in the morning, this was a most welcomed change. I will repeat this again. We all loved it.

Posted 14 years, 8 months ago at 10:03 pm.

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Day #34 Almond Milk pg. 24 everyday raw

I am leaving for Raw Spirit. I made Almond Milk. It is really the creamiest I’ve ever had. I added Lucuma powder in it too. I am waiting for Jason to drink it with me. He is at the bank. What an issue he is having there. It’s been a crazy morning. I am not even packed yet. I am on the phone with Marsha right now getting directions. SO EXCITED! It will be such an invigorating trip, it will definitely help me become centered. I am learning to forgive and move on from my past that sometimes haunts me. Nothing major in my life has happened but there are issues that I do struggle with. I know this seems like a different side of me but I am seeking guidance from my Lord on this trip and I wish to find forgiveness of others and myself. This article is really worth reading if you do struggle with the issue of overeating and emotional eating. Which those of you that know me, know that I do this. Destiny sent it last night. Phillip McClusky will be there at Raw Spirit. It will be an honor to hear him speak. The article is Emotional Release
I will post pictures when I get back:)

1 cup almonds
4 cups water
2 T extra virgin coconut oil
1 t lecithin
1/4 agave
1 t vanilla
1 pinch of salt

Posted 14 years, 8 months ago at 9:02 am.

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Day #33 Frozen Goji Berry Souffle’ pg. 126 everyday raw

I am preparing for my trip to Maryland, and I am trying to figure out what to make while I’m there. Jason is going to Walmart to buy a mini blender. I am trying to make my recipe prep for my vacation, simple, and delicious. I am going to make almond milk on Saturday and a smoothie on Sunday. I may not be able to write on my blog, but I will write each day, then post on Monday. I can’t wait until this weekend. It is going to be packed with sacred exercise, seminars, demonstrations and Rawesome friends.
I made the frozen goji berry souffle’. They look great! I would love to make a chocolate sauce to put on top of them. When I get back I will make a chocolate sauce. Again, this recipe was very easy to make. The goji berries were soaked for 15 minutes, then I blended them up with the soaking water. I strained them, then added them to the Vita-mix with other ingredients.
goji berries
cashews, soaked
vanilla extract
lemon juice
sea salt
coconut oil
I covered souffle cups with Saran Wrap and poured the mixture in. I put them in the freezer with plastic wrap over them. They will stay there until I get home.
On to more packing for Raw Spirit.
“The journey not the arrival matters.” — T. S. Eliot

Posted 14 years, 8 months ago at 8:08 pm.

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Day #32 Tomato, Basil, and Ricotta Pizza pg. 92 everyday raw

This is the start of my second month. I have learned more than 30 recipes and have loved most of them. I just made the Raspberry Vanilla-Almond Granola tonight. I absolutely loved it when I made it back in July, so I decided I would make it again for Raw Spirit this weekend:) I need to have my sweet fix while I’m away. I am sure they will have amazing food there, but I always like to bring my own food with me. I guess it makes me feel like I’m in my element. For my daily project I did the tomato sauce, the recipe is at the bottom of this entry. I included the recipes for this amazing pizza so if you want to make it for your family instead of ordering pizza this weekend, you will have a fantastic recipe to substitute what many people get on a Friday night.
Tonight, I was thinking about how the project has really been extremely beneficial for me and my family. My boys are trying more healthy foods. Christian really is loving the caramel that I made a few days ago. He came home from school today and went right into the freezer and got some caramel out. He loves it “to fix his sweet tooth.” While he ate that, he watched me put the cheese and sauce on the pizza. He asked if he could decorate it. I know that I am supposed to be doing this project, but I feel that he is part of me so it counts. I can not say no to my son who is wanting to be involved with my passion. He did such a great job. I am always so proud.
Christian didn’t try the pizza but he sure made it look so beautiful for me. He really enjoyed topping th pizza. He picked the basil himself from our plants, then he wanted to add orange pepper. He got out a knife and cutting board and started cutting the orange pepper just the way it looks in the photo. He took his time putting the peppers in the exact location he desired. Then I had some little romaine leaves so he used those in the middle of the pizza. He still wasn’t done, so he added some tomatoes on top. AAhh mouth watering. I took some to Destiny, Jason, Rich and Sarah, and Debby (my new found raw food friend, she is killing cancer). Jason tried it first and Sabby kept taking it from him. That says alot because Sabby was at Papa Johns and he wanted my raw yummy pizza instead of regular pizza. (Jason works there, until he is done with Nursing). Destiny loved it too. Rich and Sarah texted me and said that it was delicious. I love sharing raw food with people that appreciate it. It is very rewarding to me. I will make this pizza over and over again.

1 1/3 cups seeded and chopped tomatoes
1 1/3 cups sun-dried tomatoes
1/3 cup soaking water
1/3 t sea salt
Black pepper ( I omitted)
1/4 t dried basil
1/4 t dried oregano
1 T and 1 t fresh oregano ( I used 1/4 t more of dry)
1 t agave
This was so easy to make. Like most of the recipes. I love making live food. It really is such a cinch. I was thinking about it tonight. The human mind is capable of more than we think, I would think that I would be overwhelmed with all that I’m doing but yet my drive, and my rock(my hubby) and my Creator keep me centered and focused. I continue to strive for the Best Day Ever and setting goals for the day and accomplishing them. I will continue on this path. It is in my heart and soul to do what I’m doing (going to school for Dietetics, working the best job I’ve ever had with my work family, mothering and nurturing my children, loving my committed husband even in times of trial, and continue sharing and teaching the benefits of raw and living food). It looks like it is easy when it’s written, but there really is so much more to it. I am very blessed to have this life and I’m grateful. Goodnight.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.-Mark Twain
I love this, it describes my life right now. I am doing the things I want to do because I want to and I don’t want to live my life with regrets!

Posted 14 years, 8 months ago at 11:22 pm.

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Day #31 Macadamia Mozzarella pg. 92 everyday raw

I made it!! This is the last day of the first month of my project! I have made so many delicious meals over the last month. I am looking forward to the rest of my 11 months. I made mozzarella cheese for the pizza crust. I am eating it tomorrow night after work, before my anatomy class. I followed the recipe exactly how it is supposed to be done. I soaked the mac nuts for 2 hours, and I used 3/4 t lemon zest, 1/4 cup water, 1/4 shallot, 1/4 clove garlic, 1/2 cup nutritional yeast flakes, 1/2 t sea salt, and a pinch of cayenne. I threw it all in the vitamix, but it didn’t blend up enough. I had to add another 1/4 cup of water. In a vitamix I usually have to have at least 2 cups of substance in it, for it to blend properly. I do love the vitamix, but I would really love to have a Blend-Tec, like I use in the Rutabaga’s kitchen. Maybe one day, when I get tired of complaining about it, only then will I buy one. The cheese turned out delicious, the color is slightly yellow. In the recipe photo, the cheese looks white. I don’t know what I did wrong, but it sure tastes DELICIOUS! If I wasn’t full right now I would have the pizza with just the cheese. I was going to prepare the sauce, but when I took out the sun-dried tomatoes, I realized I DIDN’T HAVE ENOUGH! Yes, I did it again, didn’t prepare like I should. That’s okay, I will make it tomorrow when I get home, I will soak the tomatoes at work so they are ready to be used when I get home. The crust is done. I will put the whole pizza in the dehydrator tomorrow to warm it up. I can’t wait! Well, off to bed! It’s been a long day. Goodnight. Off to dreamland.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. – Eleanor Roosevelt

Posted 14 years, 8 months ago at 8:38 pm.

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Matthew Kenney on Fox

105 degree Fox clip

Posted 14 years, 8 months ago at 6:06 pm.

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Day #30 Herb Crust pg. 92 everyday raw

Just got home from Anatomy and Physiology class, what an awesome class! The professor talked about chemistry, atoms, molecules, and other things. The subject that really sparked my interest was of course, the section on carbohydrates. I am so excited when I learn anything that has to do with the digestive system, or metabolism. I feel like I become a different person. I know that I am supposed to be attending school again. It is always reaffirmed over and over again.
Before I went to class, I studied, had a nap for about 20 minutes and made my pizza crust. I finally remembered to get flax seeds from work today. It’s funny the way it is, I have a harder time buying the ingredients than actually putting the recipes together. I am used to working where I have everything I need at hand. I just go get the vegetables, or nuts I need from the cooler, the spices, sauces, condiments, etc. from the store. I love to prepare food at work. It is so easy. Raw Food Prep is easy but having all the ingredients is a pain for me. That is one thing that I have learned from this project, I need to write a list of ALL the ingredients that I need, instead of hoping they are here, or hoping that I have enough. I am getting better. I actually went through the recipe book today at work to see what I needed to buy. I think I did well, considering I had to rush home in time to get Christian. I am having fun these day, rushing here and there, I am a person who is very much on the go, I don’t like to sit still too long.
Herb Crust
1/2 cup + 2 1/2 T flax meal
1 T + 1 t dried basil
1 t dried oregano
2 1/3 cups roughly chopped yellow squash
1 cup walnuts, soaked 8-10 hours
2 t sea salt
2 1/2 T olive oil
1/3 shallot, minced
2 t nutritional yeast
2 t agave
2 t lemon juice
pinch of black pepper
Each day that goes by I really feel like it is so much easier to do raw food compared to any other food prep. This recipe literally took 5 minutes. That includes putting all the ingredients into food processor and bowl, and even spreading the crust out. I did have squash already cut up from my zucchini spaghetti, I shredded it last night in the food processor. I just measured the 2 1/3 cups and put it back into the food processor with the “S” blade. I added walnuts afterMatthew Kenney Project 195
Then I added the following ingredients to the food processor and mixed it until it became pasty.
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The flax was ground in a coffee grinder and mixed in a bowl with the oregano and basil. I mixed all ingredients together.
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It blended very well. I smoothed out the batter with a large spoon. I decided to do a round crust. I wanted to do a square pizza, I think square is my favorite shape if I had to pick one, but I have been doing so many dehydrated foods in square shape, so circle was the choice. I spread most of it out with a spoon and then I used clean hands to spread it out further. I made a lip around the edge to make a crust. It really came out close to the way I wanted it. There is even distribution around the entire pizza crust. It turned out to be 11 inches round. I have to say this was one of the best dehydrated things I have made. I may be speaking too soon, but I am very proud of it. I will keep you posted on the process of this delicious meal.
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Posted 14 years, 8 months ago at 10:13 pm.

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Day # 29 Parmesan pg. 38 entertaining in the raw

On Wednesday, I plan on having a beautiful Italian meal. The menu will be Marinated Tomato Salad, pine nut “parmesan”, basil oil, micro greens, and black pepper. I made the first part of this meal, pine nut “Parmesan”. I did this first because it takes several days to dehydrate. The recipe calls for pine nuts, water, olive oil, sea salt, lemon juice, and nutritional yeast. This is not going to be crumbled, it is called shards. In the book they have the appearance of thin crackers. They look dainty and elegant (I don’t expect anything else but elegance when I look at M.K.’s recipes, one day I will be almost as brilliant). I tossed the ingredients into the food processor and mixed very quickly. I still have to purchase teflex sheets for my dehydrator. Until then I continue to use parchment paper. I lay the parmesan on the paper and spread it out. It looks rather lumpy, but I am hopeful it will turn out as enticing as it should appear. I placed it in the dehydrator at 115 degrees. I will turn the parmesan over in 12 hours or possibly more. I will be at work when 12 hours is up. Most of the recipes I have dehydrated longer than it says. Maybe my temperature is slightly off and it is possibly the reason it’s slower to dry, or it could also be the thickness of the batter. I am learning, and getting better:)
My dehydrator has been at that same temperature for about a month now. Maybe a few days I have turned it off. I used to think the Excalibur was so loud, but I am getting used to the sound. It finally blends in with the house sounds. I love preparing live foods, it is effortless, because I have the tools, the ingredients are easily accessible and the passion to prepare the food with love.
I was thinking tonight about my trip to Raw Spirit, I am leaving in less than a week. I know that I will be able to continue my project because making raw and living food is uncomplicated. After all, I did make salsa in the hotel room with veggies from St. Augustine’s farmers market and a knife we bought. Now that was fun! I plan on buying and taking a bullet/personal blender on vacation with me. I plan on making almond milk and some smoothies while I’m there. I’ve never used a personal blender before but I am hopeful that it will work out swell:). I am so excited to be going. But I can’t forget my responsibility to MYSELF! I will complete all things. Matthew Kenney Project 192Matthew Kenney Project 193Matthew Kenney Project 194

Posted 14 years, 8 months ago at 10:14 pm.

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Day #28 Agave Caramel pg. 114 everyday raw

I really wanted to make an elaborate meal tonight, but Christian asks me everyday to make the caramel syrup. He begged me one time too many tonight. I finally gave in. This recipe is so easy to make. It only calls for 3 ingredients. Agave, sea salt, and cinnamon. The recipe calls for the ingredients to be blended in the vitamix for 20 seconds, then chill in the freezer for at least 2 hours. Then you remove it from the freezer and let it sit out for 20 minutes, before serving.
I went to Rich and Sarah’s tonight. I brought over the blueberry granola bars and the squash pancakes with tomato jam. They both loved it. Even Nathaniel liked the granola. He wasn’t so brave when it came time to try the pancakes. I don’t blame him, he did have Coconut Bliss coconut milk ice cream in front of him. I tried some tonight and it actually is pretty good. It the Vanilla Island flavor. He loves it. He usually tries everything and likes it. He’s funny, he ate sunny pate’ with ketchup. Funny kid, and super adorable.
I hope Christian finally feels complete now that I made agave caramel. Wonder how he will eat it. I’ll let you know. Matthew Kenney Project 188
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Posted 14 years, 8 months ago at 9:04 pm.

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