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Day #364 Spiced Pineapple Cake with Banana Cream (unreleased Everyday Raw Desserts)

July 24, 2010

It is the day before the last day of my project. I was working on my recipe when I suddenly got sad:(. It finally hit me that I am at the end. I have made almost all the recipes in Everyday Raw and Entertaining in the Raw, plus the recipes that Matthew and Meredith sent me to try! It has been one of the most rewarding years of my life. I feel I have grown so much this year. I feel more comfortable in my kitchen than ever. I have more confidence. The highest achievement for me was that I completed what I set out to do. I have made it through an entire year. I have actually managed to take time everyday to make a recipe even though life happens, such as classes and tests for Anatomy and Physiology, Vacations to St. Augustine, Maryland, Work, Raw Food Classes, Potlucks, Meetings, Luncheons, and even a broken arm. That day I cut it pretty close, I was at the hospital at night with my son, Christian, I almost didn’t make my blog entry, but I DID IT!!!
Through all of it I realized, if I make a commitment, I can DO ANYTHING AND YOU CAN TOO!

Today, in the kitchen I realized that I have to make another commitment. I know that I will go crazy if I am not blogging and making recipes. So my new commitments are as follows:

1. I am going to start on my book that I hope to release in E-Book form by Spring, so stick around to see that.

2. I will be posting recipes that I make throughout the week. Yes, I do make my own raw food too. This entire year, I have been making my own recipes as well, but chose to only blog about my Matthew Kenney Project.

3. One more thing that is special to me, Meredith will be sending more recipes from her and Matthew’s new book and I will be testing them. I have to say I am so honored that she will do this. Meredith so supportive during my project. I am grateful for the recipes and honest opinions that her and Matthew have blessed me with.

Those of you that have been following my journey, I wanted to say thank you for checking out my blog. I hope that over this next year I can show you more exciting recipes from my Raw Food Kitchen.

Now onto the recipe.

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Matthew Kenney Project July 2010 054YUMMY!

Matthew Kenney Project July 2010 059MY SINGLE SERVING

Spiced Pineapple Cake with Banana Cream Ingredients
Makes one 9 inch cake

Wet Ingredients
Mashed bananas
Chopped Pineapple
Date paste- Which is 1 cup dates, 1/2 cup water, 1 tsp lemon juice
Almond milk

Dry Ingredients
Brazil Nut Flour
Coconut flakes (powdered in vita-mix)
Vanilla bean
Sea Salt

*¼ C Irish Moss Paste can be used with wet ingredients or
¼ C flax meal with the dry. This is optional and creates a fluffier mixture.(I used flax meal)

Wet Ingredients- In a vita mix thoroughly blend all the wet ingredients except for the coconut oil until smooth. Then add the coconut oil and continue to blend until well combined.

To Make Cake batter-In a mixer or food processor mix the dry ingredients until thoroughly combined. Slowly add the wet ingredients. It is better to use a standing mixture as this will keep the mixture lighter and more fluffy, but if you do not have a standing mixer it can be done in the food processor if you lightly pulse the wet ingredients in. You do not want a dense heavily blended mixture.

*I made the dry mixture and the wet mixture separately and placed them in bowls. I do not have a mixer and my food processor was too small to fit all of the mixture. I think the mixture turned out fine, just by adding the flour mixture to the wet ingredients.

Assembly- Divide cake batter into two. Press one layer of batter in a 9 inch spring form pan and alternate with 1/3 of frosting. Add second cake layer. Refrigerate just before serving, remove from spring form, and frost with remaining frosting.

This recipe is more than I imagined! I love love love it. The mixture of texture and spices was perfect. I made two little cakes for my family here and then I have a 9 inch spring form pan for my parent’s anniversary tomorrow. Jason’s favorite cake has always been spice cake. He was actually very impressed with the flavor of this cake. He said, “Wow, she (Meredith) really does make great desserts.” I just keep saying, “They keep getting better and better!” Gosh I love making this food. It makes me feel so giddy.
I did pay special attention tonight while making this. I ran my fingers through the dry mixture and just actually played with it for a while, I tasted a little bite of each mixture then the final product. I wanted to experience my last days on this project to the fullest.
*This cake would be perfect to take to a Christmas holiday dinner. Making this cake stirred up Christmas memories. I am listening to Pandora’s Burl Ives Station. It’s all Christmas songs. I am feeling Christmas in the air. Yep, Christmas in July.
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I just loved this photo. It’s an example of God’s power and majesty!
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Wet Ingredients
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Dry Ingredients
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I poured the dry ingredients into the wet. This worked just fine. The mixture was still fluffy and not too dense.
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All three little cakes

I can’t wait for the Everyday Raw Desserts book to come out. I will be making those recipes, too. I keep thinking, if they continue to write books for more years to come, I know I won’t be bored!

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. -Charles Dickens

Posted in Matthew Kenney Project 14 years ago at 9:04 pm.

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