Living Rawesome

Welcome to my blog about my LOVE for God's Raw Living food. Please join me on my journey towards health and wellness. I truly believe that pure natural raw living food is the doorway to a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Views 3449626

Day #352 Yogurt pg. 128 entertaining in the raw

July 11, 2010

I cleaned this morning and then chatted on the phone for many hours.  Sundays are such lazy days for me but I like it that way. I have to have one day of rest. I am often taking days of rest all too often now. Although, I have to admit, I do love staying home and not punching in on a clock. I like making my own hours and my own cleaning days, and if I want to watch a show, dance, or make raw food I DO IT!

I am anxious to taste this entire meal.  I love mint and coconut. I would’ve made the entire recipe, but I am lacking Thai Coconuts. I had all the ingredients for the yogurt, so I started with that.  Tomorrow, I am hoping to score some Thai coconuts.  The yogurt by itself is divine.  I had to stop eating it or there wouldn’t be anything left. .  It won’t be too long until I can try this lovely meal.

Yogurt Ingredients
coconut meat
lime juice
lime zest

All ingredients were blended in the Vita-Mix until smooth.

I am taking the kids to swim, they have been inside all day playing on the computer, and hide and seek. It is time to get out and get some exercise.

Exercise: you don’t have time not to.~Anonymous

Posted 13 years, 10 months ago at 4:19 pm.

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Day #351 Beet Ravioli with Fava Bean Puree and Green Herb Oil pg. 44 entertaining in the raw

July 10, 2010

I made the complete recipe today. I went all the way down to Brooksville to try to find golden, white, candy stripe or other varieties of beets, but I didn’t find any beets that were unique. I had to use red beets. I was going to wait to see if I could find any other color beets anywhere else, but I couldn’t because I didn’t want the puree to go bad. I am disappointed because I really wanted to make this recipe with the special ingredients.

Beets Ingredients
olive oil
lime juice
raw agave

I peeled the beets and I trimmed the edges so they were square. I sliced them thin on the madolin. Then I put the puree on 1/2 of the beets I cut them I placed the layer of beets on. I drizzled the herb oil on top of the beet ravioli, put fresh basil leaves on top, then served it. The presentation is gorgeous. It is a perfect summery meal.
Matthew Kenney Project July 2010 011
“The beet is the most intense of vegetables. The radish, admittedly, is more feverish, but the fire of the radish is a cold fire, the fire of discontent, not of passion. Tomatoes are lusty enough, yet there runs through tomatoes an undercurrent of frivolity. Beets are deadly serious.”
Tom Robbins

Posted 13 years, 10 months ago at 5:02 pm.

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Day #350 Green Tomato-“Ricotta” Tart with Basil “Ice Cream” pg. 50 entertaining in the raw

July 9, 2010

I finished this unique meal today. I was lucky to find the green tomatoes while I was shopping at Skoors today. I don’t often eat tomatoes that are not ripe so eating them in this recipe was interesting. I don’t know how these are digesting in my body, but they were not too bad. I think this meal is one of the most interesting recipes that I have made on this project. Like I said before, I have never thought about mixing basil with ice cream and then the thought of tomatoes on a sweet pie, is definitely not something I would make on a regular day, I much prefer chocolate! Anyhow, it was worth making just to try it. It reminds me of my experience with Harry Potter Jelly Bellies when I tried them so long ago. It was a journey that I probably will never embark on again, but glad I did it for the experience. This recipe is exotic but I have to give this combination a 6 out of 10. But the experience is definitely a 10!

I made the pie crust and filling today along with the Confit. Confit is pronounced Confee and is usually immersed in a substance for preservation and can be kept in storage for a long time. This confit was only made today and dehydrated for 1 hour. The texture of the tomatoes was a bit rubbery and chewier than a ripe tomato. I can’t compare it to any other confit because I have never had it.

I am learning so many things on this project. It has opened up my eyes to different cuisine and allowed me to explore foods that I never would have in my home unless I had to do it. I am still having so much fun, it is hard to believe that it is almost over. Many people have asked me what I will do next, I have decided, but I am waiting to announce because I am not sure how to do it yet. I will figure it out, then I will let you know.
I will still be spending time in the kitchen enjoying and creating recipes. They will be simple, natural and healthy, and most of All Fun!

Now onto the recipes…
Matthew Kenney Project July 2010 008

Tart Crust Ingredients
nut flour
maple syrup
coconut oil
date paste

“Ricotta” Ingredients
coconut meat
lemon juice
coconut oil, melted
vanilla extract
sea salt
vanilla bean, scraped

Confit Ingredients
unripe green tomatoes, seeded and diced
raw agave

I made the crust by mixing all ingredients together by hand. I made small tarts, it makes 4. I lined the tart pans with plastic and pressed dough into the tart. I placed it in the freezer for 30 minutes then added the Ricotta.
The Ricotta was made in the Vita-mix to have a smooth consistency. I filled the crust and chilled it while the tomatoes were dehydrating for 1 hour.  The confit went on top of the tart.
The ice cream was made the other day, so I just had to scoop it out next to this beautiful tomato tart.

I hope Jason likes it. My kids won’t try the entire recipe, they were troopers and tried the ice cream. They said, “It would be better if there was no basil in it.” Kids are funny, I told them, “Basil is  the flavor of the ice cream, I had to put it in there.”

They did love the chocolate walnut tarts, and I am happy they are trying it. This project has impacted my entire family. It really is hard to believe that a year is almost over. I love that my family supports me in ALL I do. With that alone I am blessed!

“More gold has been mined from the thoughts of men than has been taken from the earth.” ~Napoleon Hill

Posted 13 years, 10 months ago at 7:09 pm.

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Day #349 Fava Bean Puree and Oil pg. 44 entertaining in the raw

July 8, 2010

I wrote a quick email to Matthew Kenney and asked him what to use instead of Fava Beans and he suggested I use fresh peas, so I lucked out today at the store. They had organic sweet peas! I am hoping to find the different varieties of beets that I need to finish this recipe. There is a Farmer’s Market in Brooksville that I want to check out this weekend. I am hoping they have a variety of beets. If not, I will have to use red beets. So wish my luck in finding them.

This puree and oil were simple and quick to make.

Puree Ingredients
fava beans (I used fresh peas)
olive oil
lemon juice
fresh mint
nutritional yeast
fresh basil

I peeled the peas and combined them with the olive oil. I placed them into the dehydrator for 90 minutes and then processed them in the food processor with remaining ingredients.

Oil Ingredients
fresh herbs such as mint, basil, oregano, parsley
olive oil

I placed herbs into the Vita-Mix with olive oil and blended until smooth. I then placed it into the dehydrator for 30 minutes. I strained it and placed it into a glass jar until I find the beets.

This meal is basically done, I just need the beets. I hope, hope, hope I can find them on Saturday!

I often listen to music while I make food. It always brings out my creative edge. I love music. I sing and dance while I prepare food. Well tonight I listened to Johnny Cash. He was so brilliant! Love this quote, that follows. I all too often keep my mind on things in the past that I feel like I failed at, and seeing his words makes me realize AGAIN, I need to forget and move on. God has a plan for me and whether I like what happened in the past or not, they are ALL lessons! Thank you Lord and Savior!!

“You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don’t try to forget the mistakes, but you don’t dwell on it. You don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space.”
Johnny Cash

Posted 13 years, 10 months ago at 7:01 pm.

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Day #348 Chocolate Walnut Tart (unreleased from Everyday Raw Desserts)

July 7, 2010

Matthew Kenney Project July 2010 002Matthew Kenney Project July 2010 003

Matthew Kenney Project July 2010 009

Crust Ingredients

Walnuts, soaked and dehydrated
Cacao Powder
Maple Syrup
Coconut Oil
Vanilla Extract
Sea  salt

Filling Ingredients
Raw Walnut butter
Maple Syrup
Vanilla Extract
Sea Salt
Coconut Oil

Swirl Ingredients
Cacao powder
Maple Syrup
Coconut oil

Crust- Place prepared walnuts in a food processor and pulse into a coarse flour. Add remaining ingredients and lightly pulse until well mixed. Press into 9 inch tart pan with removable bottom. Chill until ready for use.
*I used two small tart pans.

Filling- Blend first five ingredients until smooth. Then add the coconut oil and blend until completely well combined, but do not over blend. *I made my own walnut butter by putting the walnuts into the food processor with the “S” blade. I had to use the straight edge spatula to loosen it up and then I started it again. I did this until the mixture was like butter.

Swirl- Blend all ingredients until smooth.

Assembly- Pour filling into prepared crust. Allow to chill for 10 minutes until slightly firm. Then pour the swirl on top. Using a chopstick or a thin knife, gently swirl in the cacao maple mixture making sure not to disrupt the bottom layer of curst. Chill for at least 30 minutes before serving.

This recipe is perfect for a late night sweet tooth. I know it is extremely fattening, and truly decadent. I love making the desserts. I asked Meredith to send me some chocolate recipes from the new book. She is so thoughtful and I really am so grateful that she takes the time to give me these recipes. I know it is very special. She has been so supportive during my project. If I ever have questions she always writes me back and is thorough.

This really satisfied my craving for cacao. I made a small tart for me, and I ate it already. I couldn’t help myself. I do make the mistake of making my project’s recipes at night, that is the worst time to eat. I have been getting better. I am more cautious now when I try things. I stop myself before I eat an entire serving. Over the past year I have learned that I don’t need to eat the whole thing to enjoy the recipes.   I take small bites now, and savor it as long as possible.  I honestly have more fun making the recipes, than eating them. However, the tarts are waiting in the refrigerator for me, if the boys or Jason doesn’t beat me to them.

I am going on a wild edible walk tomorrow, so I better go to bed. Goodnight!

Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.
Benjamin Franklin

Posted 13 years, 10 months ago at 11:28 pm.


Day #347 Nut Flour pg. 50 entertaining in the raw

July 6, 2010

Nut Flour Ingredients
walnut halves, soaked and dehydrated
pecan halves, soaked and dehydrated
almonds, soaked and dehydrated
maple syrup
vanilla extract
sea salt
maple powder

In a large bowl, coat dehydrated nuts with maple syrup. Combine vanilla, salt, cinnamon and maple powder and stir until the nuts are well coated. Dehydrate for 48 hours, then the nuts need to go into food processor to become flour.

These are dehydrating now. I have to start a new recipe and then come back to this entire meal.

Off to the movie with my fam….

Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements. ~Napoleon Hill

Posted 13 years, 10 months ago at 7:00 pm.

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Day #346 Basil “Ice Cream” pg. 50 entertaining in the raw

July 5, 2010

I have become adventurous after eating one of the most interesting ice cream flavors. I am anxious to try this. I never would have thought about mixing basil into an ice cream base, but after trying the rosewater ice cream, I trust that this will be just as good.

The ice cream will go along side of a tart topped with Green Tomatoes. I think it will be interesting to have such a rare combination. It may just taste like an Italian tart and cream. I looked up basil ice cream and there are so many recipes of basil ice cream. Most of them involve eggs and heavy cream. According to one website, July 1 is Creative Ice Cream Flavor Day. I would say this falls into that category. There is even a recipe for Bacon Brittle Ice Cream. I think I will stick to herbs. I guess you could make eggplant bacon and make the Bacon Brittle with that. Hey that might be something for the next book that Matthew and Meredith write. Until then, I am trying this out.

Ice Cream Ingredients
coconut meat
raw agave
sea salt
coconut oil

All ingredients were blended until smooth, then placed into the ice cream maker.

“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.”~Napoleon Hill

Posted 13 years, 10 months ago at 8:32 pm.

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Day #345 Raspberry Leaf-Infused Cherry Sauce and Rosewater “Ice Cream” pg. 115 entertaining in the raw

July 4, 2010

I just got back from celebrating the 4th of July with all of my family at my parent’s house. It was a relaxing and fun filled day. We had a nice dinner, I made raw pizzas and barbeque sauce. I have to say that the sauce was not as good as I wanted it to be. It was edible, but not the best.

July 4, 2010 011July 4, 2010 013
My sister made a beautiful American Flag out of blueberries, strawberries and bananas. It turned out so adorable.
July 4, 2010 010
Even Sabby enjoyed it, he loves fruit.

July 4, 2010 016
I made the Cherry Sauce tonight when I got home. I had no idea that the flavor of this cherry sauce with the rosewater ice cream would enhance the flavor so much. It brought me to total Bliss. I didn’t want to stop eating it. I had a serving of 3 small scoops of ice cream with the sauce. The rosewater ice cream was really pleasant without the sauce, BUT, with the Cherry Sauce added, it sets this ice cream over the top! I highly recommend this dessert. It would be perfect for a gathering of friends that like gourmet ice cream. It is unlike any ice cream I have ever eaten.
Matthew Kenney is a pure genius! I love how he enhances his recipes. This ice cream became dazzling with just 3 simple ingredients! Ahhh, I can’t say enough about it. It will be hard to decide which of the recipes are my favorite after making all of them.
Matthew Kenney Project July 2010

Cherry Sauce Ingredients
fresh cherries
raspberry leaf extract

I put the ingredients into Vita-Mix and blended until smooth.

I still have plenty of ice cream and sauce left. I am debating if I should even make the citrus tart again. I know it wasn’t the complete recipe at once, but all parts are made. I don’t know if this ice cream can get any better! The Citrus Tart was one of my favorite recipes too. The combination of the tart, ice cream, and sauce may set me into a dizzy dessert frenzy.

I will talk to Jason about it, maybe he will tell me what I should do. Make it, or not?!

I am off to sleep, I am exhausted. It’s been a long weekend.

“If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”
Benjamin Franklin

Posted 13 years, 10 months ago at 11:32 pm.

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Day #344 Oyster Mushrooms and Hijiki Caviar with Leek and Brazil Nut Truffle Foam pg. 108 entertaining in raw

July 3, 2010

Mushrooms Ingredients
lemon zest
raw agave
oyster mushrooms

Caviar Ingredients
hijiki seaweed
sesame oil
raw agave
nama shoyu

Foam Ingredients
white truffle oil
Brazil nuts
nutritional yeast

I finally bought chard;  I’ve been wanting it for a green smoothie. The chard I found was beautiful!  So that worked out, I needed it for my recipe.  Things like that just happen for me:).  I guess they probably do for many people but I just choose to recognize it.  My hubby laughs because I always think there are signs, and that often determines my decisions.  I like it that way.  My son does it too.  I know it is having a more positive outlook on life and I just adore it.

This is another hijiki recipe that I made, and I am very sorry to say, “I JUST DON’T LIKE HIJIKI”.    I know it has many health benefits, but I would rather disguise it in my green smoothie.  This recipe turned out beautiful, but the taste isn’t for me.

I just received an email from Meredith and she sent me 2 new recipes.  I am super excited to try them out.  I know my family will love them.  We all Love Chocolate!

I will make those soon.  I want to finish the rest of yesterday’s recipe too.

By the way, the rose water ice cream is really different.  I ate some last night, even though I didn’t want to.  The taste and smell made me think of having a tea party in a Victorian home.  I don’t know why I drew those  pictures in my mind, but that is all I thought of.  I imagined sitting in the sunlight on the porch of a Victorian house and chatting with ladies dressed in Victorian dresses.  The only thing I can say is, “very interesting.”  I did enjoy eating it, it made me step into a different time and place.  For that I give the rose water ice cream 2 thumbs up!

Christian just called, I have to pick him up.  Post pic later…

Each cup of tea represents an imaginary voyage.  ~Catherine Douzel

All quotes are from or  I love both of these so much I spend at least 10 minutes reading the quotes before I pick one out.  They help me so much!  I seem to always find one that stirs up emotions inside me.  Check these out!

Posted 13 years, 10 months ago at 6:57 pm.

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Day #343 Rosewater Ice Cream pg. 115 entertaining in the raw

July 2, 2010

I wanted to finish pg. 108, but I really needed to have ice cream;-). I already made the pie for this recipe, but I will have to remake it. It will be great for this weekend’s celebration. I couldn’t find Rosewater when I first made the citrus tart. I finally found the Rosewater at Fresh Market in the Villages. That store is so much fun to shop at. They have very different items there. It looks like an upscale Whole Foods Market.

Ice Cream Ingredients
macadamia nuts
coconut meat
raw agave
vanilla extract
rosewater extract
sea salt
coconut oil

Blend all ingredients in Vita-Mix until smooth. Pour into an ice cream maker and follow manufacturer’s instructions.

I have the ice cream in the freezer for Jason when he gets home. I know he will love it! I have to save some for the photo of the tart, second time around, and the cherries and rosewater ice cream. I didn’t make the cherries yet either.

The ice cream is divine! The ice creams are always so heavenly.

“I had always thought that once you grew up you could do anything you wanted – stay up all night or eat ice-cream straight out of the container.”
— Bill Bryson

Posted 13 years, 10 months ago at 9:59 pm.

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